2023年中考英语复习 专题四 短文填空课件(共35张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 comicstrips ppt 2023年中考英语复习 专题四 短文填空课件(共35张PPT)

2023年中考英语复习 专题四 短文填空课件(共35张PPT)

2023-06-15 01:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共35张PPT)第二部分题型专题训练1直击重点2题型分析3名师点拔4真题解析5专题四 短文填空备考训练中考短文填空历来是考生的难点,其考查内容主要有:1. 考查对文章的整体理解、对上下文段落衔接的逻辑思维和判断能力;2. 考查对词汇意义、用法、常见搭配、语法规则、句型等的理解和运用;3. 考查对生活中常见事实的推理和判断能力。年份 主题 体裁 词数2017 日常生活 记叙文 2252018 个人经历 记叙文 2322019 旅游经历 记叙文 1802020 帮助他人 记叙文 1822021 传播文化 记叙文 1922022 茶文化 说明文 174一、解题思路:1. 定意:通读全文,了解大意。培养学生到整篇文章中去寻找关键信息的能力。2. 定性:分析句子的句法结构,确定词性。3. 定形:分析句子的时态、语态和句法结构来确定用词形式。二、常考词性:名词、动词、代词 、冠词、介词、连词、形容词和副词。三、做短文填空可以从以下几个方面着手:1. 从语法方面考虑。短文填空题所涉及的语法内容通常包括:名词(注意单复数)、动词的形式(原形、第三人称单数、现在分词、过去式、过去分词)、形容词和副词(包括比较级、最高级)、代词(人称代词主格和宾格、形容词性物主代词)、冠词(a/an/the)、介词(in/on/at/of/with/for…)和连词(and/but/because…)的选用等。2. 从习惯用法和固定搭配方面考虑。根据对历年试题的分析,每年的考题均有至少4个空格可以通过习惯用法和固定搭配完成,所以在平时的复习中,务必要重视常见短语的积累。3. 从上下文的结构和语境方面考虑。4. 先易后难。在做题过程中遇到个别空格填不出的,可以适当跳过,待全部完成后,再考虑填不出的空格,这样未知的信息就越来越少。当明确空格的意思后,可以把与表达此意有关的词罗列出来,找出最好的和最有把握的词填进去。5. 检查错误。在填完后,应该将短文重新审读一次,检查答案是否有不合题意的或有语法错误等。Would you like to start your day with a cup of tea? If the answer is 66 , you may have the same habit as many people.You may not know  67  popular tea is. Among all kinds of drinks, tea is one of the most popular two choices. People like it because it is 68  for their health. Tea is mostly produced  69  Asian countries like China and India.66.      67.      68.      69.     .yeshowgoodinChinese people started to drink tea as early as 5,000 years  70 . At that time, people made tea in a simple way. They just put fresh tea leaves into hot  71 . Tea wasn't introduced into Europe until the early 17th century. And now it has  72  popular in Europe and America. People there like to  73  tea with sugar or milk in it.70.      . 71.      72.      73.     .agowaterbecomedrinkAs the population of tea drinkers gets larger, tea business is getting  74 . important than before.The first International Tea Day was on May 21st, 2020. Since then, people have celebrated  75  every year. The Day makes people realize the importance of tea workers and…74.      75.       .moreit【解析】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍茶文化的发展和变化。66小题句意:如果答案是肯定 ,你可能和很多人有相同的习惯。根据“Would you like to start your day with a cup of tea”和“you may have the same habit as many people”可知,肯定回答用yes,表示有饮茶习惯,故填yes。67小题句意:你可能不知道茶有多受欢迎。此处强调的中心词是形容词“popular”,用how,故填how。68小题句意:人们喜欢它,因为它对他们的健康有益。根据“People like it because it is… for their health”可知,喝茶对健康有益,be good for“对……有好处”,故填good。69小题句意:茶叶主要产自中国和印度等亚洲国家。根据“Tea is mostly produced… Asian countries like China and India”可知,用在国家前,用介词in,故填in。70小题句意:中国人早在5000年前就开始喝茶了。根据“Chinese people started to drink tea as early as 5,000 years…”和常识可知,中国人早在5000年前就开始喝茶了,ago“之前”符合语境,故填ago。71小题句意:那时候,人们泡茶的方法很简单,就是把新鲜的茶叶放进热水里。根据“people made tea in a simple way. They just put fresh tea leaves into hot…”可知,用热水泡茶,water“水”符合语境,故填water。72小题句意:现在它已经在欧洲和美国流行了。根据“And now it has…popular in Europe and America”可知,茶现在在欧洲和美国流行了,become“变得”符合语境,用于现在完成时结构中,故填become。73小题句意:那里的人喜欢喝茶加糖或牛奶。根据“People there like to… tea with sugar or milk in it. ”可知,喜欢喝茶的时候加糖或牛奶,drink“喝”,like to do sth“喜欢做某事”,故填drink。74小题句意:随着饮茶人群的增加,茶叶生意变得比以前更加重要。根据“than before”可知,此处使用比较级,more important“更重要的”,故填more。75小题句意:从那时起,人们每年都庆祝这一天。此处指“International Tea Day”,用it代替,在句中作宾语,故填it。Zhang Guimei, the principal(校长) of Huaping High School for girls, has been honored with the title “Role Model of the Times” recently. The school that she set up in 2008  1  free education for the girls from poor families in Yunnan. She has sent more than 1,800  2  to colleges and universities so far.1.       2.      . .provides girls/studentsAnybody who knows Zhang's own life conditions will be more deeply moved  3  her. She has no personal property(财产), and has been living in the student dormitory(宿舍). She has spent most of her money  4  her students. She has some serious health problems, 5  she still loves her work and cares about her students. She has kept having morning classes with the students for 12 years.3.       4.        5.      ..byon/helpingbutZhang deserves(值得) her honorary title(荣誉称号). By helping the girls get higher education, she has actually helped them change their whole families. They can find  6  better job after graduation so that they can support their families, and even  7  children in the future will have more chances to study.6.       7.     . a theirInfluenced(影响) by her, many of her students choose to teach in 8  areas, while some even go back to teach in her high school. Her efforts  9  a difference to these poor areas. People will remember 10  she has done for a long time. And they'll be encouraged to help others just like her.8.       9.       10.       .poor whatmake 训练一 记叙文(2022·佛山华英学校一模)A lie is saying something that you know is not true. Sometimes people lie because they are embarrassed(尴尬的) to tell the  1 . Other times, people lie because they are trying to trick(欺骗) someone.Almost everyone has told  2  lie in their life. People have many different reasons  3  lying. In the daily life, some people lie to make 4  look better.1.       2.       3.       4.     . truth themselvesa for Sometimes when some students get bad  5  in a test, they might lie to their parents that they get an A.A boy who does not want to share his candy might lie by  6  his friends that he has no more candy.But have you thought of the results of telling lies? Lies damage(毁坏) trust. It is one of the most special things you can have with other people. But when a person lies to someone  7  trusts him or her, the trust will be damaged.5.       . 6.       7.     . telling grades/scores who/thatIf your best friend tells you a lie, how will you feel? You might  8  . trusting your friend. Then it might be hard to be friends again.Telling something true can be sometimes hard, 9  it might make you embarrassed. However, being  10  is more important. You'll feel proud that you are brave enough to tell something true with honesty.8.       9.       10.       .stopbecausehonest训练二 记叙文(2022·深圳二模改编)Though I'm sixty years old, I still read comic strips(漫画书). 1  I was a child, I read comic strips almost every day. During my family trips, I would buy  2  comic strip I have never read for 10 to 25 cents each.As a child, I read all kinds of comic strips which I was really  3 . in. I was hardly aware(意识的) that I was actually reading.1.       2.       3.     . When interesteda The drawings and the word balloons were so interesting that I found 4  difficult to put down my ic strips led me  5  a world of true literature(文学). Among the comic strips, I like The Hunchback of Notre Dame  6  because it encourages me a lot.4.       5.      . 6.     . .ittobestMy grandson Connor didn't like reading in the past. He only read 7  was required by his teachers. Then I introduced Jane Eyre to him. Now he just can't stop  8  it.Some of parents thought comic strips were too childish(幼稚的) and they stopped their  9  from reading the books. But later some of the parents became great readers, too.7.       8.       9.     . childrenwhat reading I'm not saying comic strips are a must for kids. For me, however, they are surely important. Without them, I would probably have never 10  in love with reading and literature.I've just ordered some of my favourite comic strips for Connor. But I will read them again before handing them over.10.       .fallen训练三 记叙文(2021·佛山二模)Yan Wei is from Shandong Province, China. He became the country's first  1  runner to finish a 100 ultramarathon(超级马拉松) in Shanghai on October 18.Yan became blind  2  he was a young boy. At first, he started to run in order to  3  weight because he thought he was a little heavy.1.       2.       3.     . loseblind when One day, he learned from the Internet that blind runners could also attend marathon events  4  the help of guide runners. In 2015, Yan 5  part in the Beijing Marathon. In the end, he tried his  6  to finish the full course accompanied(陪同) by volunteer guide runners. This became  7  beginning of Yan's marathon dream. In the following years, he appeared in more marathon events all over the country.4.       5.       . 6.       7.     . withtookbest theIn April 2017, Yan finished Boston Marathon in 4 hours and 26 minutes. He became the first blind  8  from mainland China to finish the world's oldest marathon event. “I really admire his optimism(乐观) and persistence(坚持). He lives like a child  9  is too young to know what sadness is. When you talk to him, you'll  10  think he's blind. ” said Lu, one of Yan's long-time partners.8.       9.       10.       .runner who/thatnever/not训练四 记叙文(2022·考前冲刺)There is a famous Chinese dish called “Dongpo pork”.Does it have anything to do  1  the great poet Su Dongpo?Su Dongpo(Su Shi) was a poet  2  lived during the Song Dynasty(960—1279). He was  3  first person to make this dish in history, according to the history record.1.       2.       3.     . .who/that with the 4  he worked as a local official(官员)in Huangzhou, Hubei, he  5  in love with cooking pork. In his article Ode to Pork(《猪肉颂》), Su described exactly  6  to cook it.According to folk stories, the dish became  7  among the local people when Su went to Hangzhou to take office. One day, there was a terrible flood(洪水) and Su went out to help people.4.     5.   . 6.    7.      . fellWhen popular/famous/well knownhow He worked very hard and everyone felt thankful to him. They heard that he loved eating pork,  8  they gave him a lot of it.He cooked the pork in  9  own special way. Then he gave the dish to every family in the city and every worker on the street. Very soon the  10  became famous in Hangzhou and got the name “Dongpo pork”.8.       9.       10.       .sohis dish训练五 记叙文(2021·考前冲刺)When I was in the seventh grade, I had problems behaving. My heart was in the right place, but I couldn't always  1  the rules. I played many tricks on my schoolmates. Once, I even pulled  2  girl's hair on the school bus to get her attention. As a  3 , I was often sent to the headmaster's office.1.        2.        3.      . follow/obey/keep resulta When I was called to Mr. Ratcliff's office for the sixth time, I had no idea  4  was wrong with me. I went into his office, sat  5 . quietly, and looked at the floor. Then he said the last thing I expected to hear, “Kevin, I've  6  that you've been behaving really well recently. I want you to know how proud I am of you, and I just called you down to  7  office to give you a peppermint(薄荷糖). ”4.      5.     . 6.        7.     . what down heard/known/noticedmy/the“Really?” I was  8  and just couldn't believe my ears. “Yes. Now you can take that peppermint and go back to class. ”Mr. Ratcliff was really kind. He made me realize that I was just a kid who had problems with my behavior. He bought some peppermints  9 . took the time to notice me when I got something right. Mr. Ratcliff gave me some hope  10  giving me some love. I will just remember him for the rest of my life.8.       9.       10.       .and surprised by








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